Hike in the Atlas Mountains
Marrakesh, Morocco
Abijit Singh
1/27/20243 min read
Shorts may not have been the best choice this time, as I was the first one to get collected. The driver and I exchanged a few words before picking up the other couples. Finding the first couple in the busy streets of Marrakesh was quite a challenge, but eventually, we found them. Let's call them Dan and Julie since I can't remember their names. The second couple was quite interesting. The guy was incredibly confident, and his chemistry with his slightly quieter girlfriend was adorable. Unlike Dan, Julie, and I, this couple had a two-night stay in the mountains instead of joining us for the hike.
Our first stop was fascinating. I expected a boring lecture on Argan oil production, but no, I was wrong! We were seated and served warm, fluffy bread with honey that made my mouth water. And then came the hot, soothing Moroccan mint tea. As we enjoyed this delightful treat, we exchanged tales of our trips around the world and our experiences in Morocco so far. It was during this moment that I realized traveling alone doesn't always feel lonely. Even after spending hours in the car in silence, sharing pleasantries over tea with these four individuals made me feel connected.
Once we stepped into the hut, we were greeted by a lovely lady who introduced us to the fascinating process of making Argan oil. Picture this: three women sitting on beautiful Moroccan carpets and sofas, grinding seeds, and extracting the precious oil. We were all captivated by the sight. I eagerly volunteered and squeezed myself into a little chair-sofa, despite my long legs making it a bit awkward. But hey, it made for an adorable picture.
After this incredible experience, we continued our journey up the mountain, with about an hour left to reach the top. Along the way, we passed by Sir Richard Branson's Moroccan home. That guy knows how to live the good life! Unfortunately, we had to say a swift goodbye to the other couple who planned to stay for two nights. As we followed our tour guide up the mountain, seeking shelter from the rain, we stumbled upon a small footpath tunnel. Little did we know, this tunnel would lead us to a breath-taking sight - the majestic Atlas Mountains. It was like stepping into another world. Our guide shared an interesting insight with us - the passage of twenty years may bring changes in governments, politicians, and opinions, but for individuals, it may not change much. Education levels remain similar across generations, yet people continue to learn and master multiple languages to support their families. It's a testament to their resilience and determination.
Walking through the mountains was an experience like no other. The towering trees, rustling leaves, refreshing wind, and the touch of cold rain on my skin created a peaceful atmosphere. The scenery was simply awe-inspiring. The only thing I regretted was wearing shorts in the rain, but hey, it added a bit of adventure to the journey, right? On our trail adventure, we stumbled upon a serene waterfall. The sound of the water was so soothing, and the mist that sprayed up from the pool was refreshingly cool. It was a total contrast to the sight of a determined woman carrying a massive stack of leaves to extract walnuts. Our tour guide searched tirelessly until he handed us each a walnut to eat. Our socks got wet as we trekked through pockets of water, but we couldn't let that dampen our spirits. We continued the trail, taking in the natural beauty around us. When we reached an open area, our guide showed us a clever trick to clean our hands using the crystal-clear river water and scrubbing them on the giant rocks nearby. I couldn't help but sneeze at that moment - note to self, next time, wear longer trousers.
During the tour, we had the chance to try a traditional Moroccan dish called Tajine. It was served in a charming restaurant that used to be a house. The Tajine was a slow-cooked stew with tender chicken that literally fell off the bone, along with flavourful vegetables and aromatic spices. And let's not forget the warm, fluffy bread that accompanied the dish.