Delving into the Soul of Amritsar: A Tale of Timeless Traditions

Amritsar, Punjab

Abijit Singh

4/24/20243 min read

During our fifteen-hour sojourn in Amritsar, a multitude of emotions swept over us. As soon as we settled our belongings in the hotel room, we wasted no time and hastily adorned ourselves before embarking on a journey to Gurdwara Bibi Veero Ji in Himachal Pradesh, just a forty-minute drive away. The journey was nothing short of serene, with wide roads stretching endlessly, kissed by the warm embrace of the sun. Along the way, colorful stalls adorned the roadside, offering an array of enticing products on the sides of the road. Like all Gurdwaras in Northern India, Gurdwara Bibi Veero Ji holds profound historical significance in the tapestry of Sikhism. It stands as a tribute to Mata Bibi Veero Ji, the esteemed daughter of Guru Hargobind Singh Ji, whose selfless service and unwavering commitment to Sikh principles are immortalised within its sacred walls. On our return journey, we treated ourselves to piping hot fried paneer, sizzling in the scorching heat of the frying pan. I couldn't help but pause and admire a flock of adorable sheep aimlessly following a man with a stick.

Our plan to bathe in the holy waters of the Golden Temple was scheduled for 3am, just before our departure back to Delhi. In the meantime, we opted to begin our spiritual journey by visiting the Golden Temple the evening prior. However, our pilgrimage commenced with a poignant stop at the Shaheeda Sahib Gurdwara, a tribute to the martyrdom of Baba Deep Singh Ji. Upon arrival, the gurdwara hummed with activity, packed with devotees queued up to offer prayers or receive the sacred Parsaad. What struck me most was the profound sense of reverence and unity among the throngs of people gathered to honor Baba Deep Singh Ji's sacrifice for Sikh values and beliefs. It was a stirring sight, reminiscent of the congregations I had only witnessed within the sacred confines of the Golden Temple itself. The sheer magnitude of Sikhs paying homage in one place was awe-inspiring, leaving an indelible impression on my heart. It reinforced the enduring spirit of Sikhism and the profound impact of Baba Deep Singh Ji's legacy on the community.

As we made our way towards the Golden Temple, we made a quick stop near our hotel to purchase some additional turbans—a necessity for our visit. The shop, adorned with turbans of all colours, was a sight to behold. Surrounded by vibrant hues, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the array of choices. Inside the shop, I struck up a conversation with twin brothers who were eager to learn about life in London and expressed their desire to move there. Sensing their apprehension, I posed a simple question: "Are you happy here?" Their hesitant nod spoke volumes, and I took the opportunity to share some advice. I explained to them that seeking happiness in another country solely for its allure might not necessarily lead to fulfilment. I emphasised the challenges of life in London, particularly in the current economic climate, and urged them to consider their happiness and well-being above all else. Grateful for the advice, they thanked me warmly shaking my hand as we bid farewell and continued on our way. To our surprise, upon exiting the shop, we discovered our car had been swiftly towed by local authorities—a stark reminder that rules were not to be trifled with. Chuckling at our misfortune, we headed about a mile down the road on a rickshaw to find our car sitting in a field with another unlucky companion car. We paid the requisite 1500 rupees to retrieve our car and headed towards the Golden Temple for our prayer.

On our journey back to the hotel, I couldn't resist indulging in a delightful detour that perfectly encapsulated the essence of Amritsar's culinary delights. While the city is renowned for its array of delectable foods, it's the beverages that truly steal the show, like its lassi's but for me specifically, it was its traditional milk preparation. As I strolled through the streets, I couldn't help but notice the ubiquitous sight of large pans simmering with milk over a gentle flame outside numerous shops. The nostalgic aroma evoked fond memories of my childhood, where a glass of milk was a cherished delight and the reason for my weight gain growing up. For a mere fifty rupees, I eagerly sampled a cup of this creamy delight. The skilled vendor deftly poured the milk from his steel jug into a steep cup multiple times from an interesting height, a process that seemed almost like an art form in itself. Each sip transported me back in time, and I found myself savoring every moment, relishing the rich taste and velvety texture. Unable to resist the temptation, I cheekily requested another cup, unwilling to let go of the blissful experience. Even days later, the memory of that exquisite milk lingers on, a testament to the unparalleled culinary delights that Amritsar has to offer.