Crocoparc - Aren't Crocodiles Adorable?

Agadir, Morocco

Abijit Singh

2/24/20243 min read

I might be in the minority here, but I find crocodiles absolutely adorable! If it weren't for the slight risk of losing a limb (or worse), I'd gladly give one of these reptiles a little hug. Imagine my excitement when I discovered that Agadir has an entire park dedicated to these fascinating creatures.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by a striking entrance shaped like a giant crocodile's mouth, leading us into the gift shop where our driver kindly guided us. It felt like he was dropping off his kids at the playground. As my friend and I caught our first glimpse of these majestic creatures gliding gracefully through the water, we were truly astonished. Their snouts poking out just slightly, they seemed to navigate with an effortless elegance. Despite being part of an attraction, their sheer size and movements exuded an undeniable sense of dominance. Some lounged on the rocky banks, basking in the sun's warmth – a move I wholeheartedly understood and would probably do myself.

As we walked along the path above them, we spotted dozens more lazily sunbathing. They remained so still that if I hadn't looked directly at them, I might not have even noticed their presence. Their camouflage was truly remarkable. "Who's a good little crocodile?" I couldn't resist whispering to one of them, earning a cautious glance from my friend. "It's a crocodile, not a puppy."
He had already received a "be careful" message from his mum. I decided to keep my crocodile encounters a secret from my own mum until after we'd left the park otherwise she would be have figured out a way to contact the park from London and have be removed. As we ventured further, we observed a few crocodiles gracefully sliding down the rocks, effortlessly gliding into the water below. "Awww, looks like they've got their own waterslide," I remarked, unable to resist the comparison. Strangely enough they seemed to be enjoying themselves, evident from the distinct smiles.

We discovered that it wasn't just crocodiles inhabiting this space. A delightful and somewhat mischievous troop of monkeys added to the lively atmosphere, leaping from branch to window in their little enclosure waiting to be fed, all the while providing us with entertainment. Continuing our stroll, we found ourselves in a garden-like area adorned with ponds where tadpoles gracefully swam. Perched on circular leaves, they basked in the sunlight, casting a tranquil scene that was as serene as it was picturesque. As I recorded the both of us walking in the park, my friend suggested I record the 'alligators'... I've never given anyone such a straight face reaction before. 'It's called CROCO-parc... alligators are the weird ones', I thought to myself.

We then found ourselves immersed in the captivating habitat of Green Iguanas. These creatures were truly remarkable - expertly blending into their surroundings until they decided to grace us with their presence. Watching them strut about on their tiny legs was a sight to behold, and their rapid movements prompted an unexpected reaction from my friend as he would get closer to capture some pictures but let out a startled squeal and dart away as soon as they'd come towards him.
He'd run causing them to give him a little chase, so I would run.
They were loveable animals and probably more scared of my friend's unnecessary fright than he was of their quick movements'. Assured of their harmlessness, we ventured closer, climbing up a bridge with a rope pathway to observe the iguanas as they lounged calmly on the rocks. Each subtle movement they made caused us to jump, adding an element of excitement to our encounter. Meanwhile, three imposing turtles observed our silliness from their cosy huts, their stern expressions contrasting with our lighthearted amusement. I took three selfies; one with each turtle but each picture looked exactly the same.

Thinking we had explored every area of the park, we started heading towards the exit, only to come across a sign that read, "Anacondas." There was absolutely no chance on God's Green Earth, I would ever walk into that. However, my friend decided to brave it while I opted to stay back and continue marveling at the crocodiles. As I observed them, I began affectionately naming each one. "Susie, Daisy, Stuart...", while waiting for my friend to emerge from the snake area, I couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and concern. Finally, he reappeared on the other side. "It's not a collection of snakes," he informed me, "just one giant one in a cage."
I raised an eyebrow. "And how does that make it any better?"

Navigating through a tunnel-like structure, we found ourselves enclosed in a glass cage, coming face-to-face with the crocodiles. The surreal encounter led to some hilariously daring selfies with these creatures. Despite their hunger, we felt secure behind the protective barrier of glass - or so I naively assumed. Their razor-sharp teeth jutted from their mouths as they blinked slowly, their gaze fixed ahead with an eerie calmness. Adorned in their scaly, dark green skin, they seemed almost serene. Yet, lurking beneath their calm appearance was the primal instinct of predators. At any given moment, these seemingly docile animals could unleash their ferocity, tearing flesh and munching on muscle, a sobering reminder of the raw power they possessed.
I still miss them.